April 13, 2011

Here Goes Something...

I've been pondering and procrastinating starting a blog for over a year now. A combination of self-doubt and laziness-the usual culprits of inaction- have prevented me from actually taking the plunge. Until now.

A couple weeks ago my friend Kevin handed me the book 'Yes Man' (the movie starring Jim Carey is based on this book) and said something insistent like "You need to read this. Now." Kevin and I have a habit of handing eachother self-help books at oh-so-appropriate times. This all started when I handed him a copy of "You Can Be Happy No Matter What" four years ago after running into him at Ikea.

But back to the point. Reading this book has sorta changed my life-or at least my perspective on life. I'd been stuck in a routine of work, home, and lots and lots of TV watching. I'd been saying no to nights out with friends, trips out of town, really anything new or social, opting instead for drinking red wine at home while watching Dateline. Gross, I know.

Inadvertenly, this meant saying no to being excited about life, no to being inspired, no to ambition and growth. (okay, I admit I'm being a bit melodramatic, but this is the aftermath of reading a self-help book and seeing the proverbial "light").

So. I've made a descision to stop intinctively saying no and start saying YES to all the opportunities and events that come my way.  This blog, in effect, is one big fat yesssssssssss. Yes to living life actively, to making an effort, to giving comfort the boot and, in turn, welcoming opportunity. Here, I plan on documenting all the fun I have as a result of these yeses, and since im sorta fashiony, what I wore while engaging in them :) Here goes something...

P.S. nice to meet you!!
xxoo Sheva

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