September 14, 2011

Blooming Leopold

I've been slacking on the 'ol bloggity blog this week, I know. I've just been soooo tired and useless lately. I think I've been permanently tired since I entered adulthood. What is that?? I can sleep 10 hours on the weekend and still need a nap! My outfits have been lazy just like me this week, so I'll share a few shots from the lookbook of Blooming Leopold, an adorable Tennessee-based line. I love and want and need every piece. Even (or especially) the man-repelling overalls...

Happy humpitty hump day!!

1 comment:

  1. It really is a gorgeous collection! Lauren is an amazing girl as well, I love her to pieces :)) Thanks for sharing!!!

    Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi
