January 30, 2012

The Adventure Continues...

I'm back! The last week and a half feels like a month and a half...I've done so much already. I've found a cute modern apartment that's in a great walkable area of Accra, Ghana called Osu, I've purchased an absurd amount of touristy things, hung out with a few new expat friends I've made, visited several bead suppliers and learned how African glass beads are made, learned how to bargain like nobody's business, got lost while jogging around my neighborhood (twice), and ate a traditional Ghanaian meal (banku and tilapia) in the traditional Ghanaian way- with my hands. But the highlight of my trip so far is pictured below. I happened to walk by two elementary schools just as the school day was ending and was immediately surrounded by the sweetest, cutest kids who hugged and kissed me and very eagerly posed for pictures. It was such a sweet experience...

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