May 28, 2011

Paris is Burnin'

What a weekend. I just returned home from Vegas where I celebrated my soon to be sister-in-law's bachelorette party and bridal shower. It was a wild time and I think I need a week's worth of sleep to recuperate. However, we are leaving to Europe for the wedding in 3 days and this is my only day to pack and handle all other miscellaneous life things. 

Here are few photos from mine and Jash's last trip to Paris. I wish I could insert something funny or clever here but my brain isn't fully functioning after 3 days of too much fun and not enough sleep.

May 27, 2011

All Hail The Queen

In anticipation of my big Euro trip (just one week away!!) I spent some time going through the pics of mine and Jash's last trip to Europe. It was three years ago and we'd only been dating a few months so we were in that magical new stage where you can't keep your hands off each other and it feels like anything in the world is possible. This is amplified dramatically when traveling around a foreign land together.

It was a very strange transitional time for me. I had just quit my job with nothing else lined up (ahhh the boldness of youth) and booked a month long trip overseas. Jash met me there after a couple weeks and we spent some time hanging with my pop in London then took the train to Paris. Here are some photos from our time in Foggy London Town. My dad is a bit of a party animal, so you'll notice several of these photos include cocktails and dancing :)



May 24, 2011

Sweater Song

This is officially my favorite sweater ever. I realize I use the word 'ever' way too much when describing things I'm fond of. In fact, I think I've called no less than 43 songs the best song ever. And every single time I have nachos I say they're the best nachos ever. Yes, I have a tendency to exaggerate.

I do love this sweater though and I apologize for the single self shot photo but it needed to be shared and I had no one to take my picture. I got it at a cheapy store in the Paseo Mall in Pasadena but I think it looks quite chic, don't you?

May 20, 2011

Taste The Rainbow

Yep. This pancho totally reminds me of Skittles. The tropical mix. I wore it to work on Wednesday and got more than one funny look. The hipstamatic definitely subdues the intense rainbow hues but in real-life it is insanely bright.

For the first time in a long time I have no plans over the weekend and I'm equal parts happy and anxious about that. I have no shortage of errands to run, especially with my euro-trip fast approaching, but I still have that high-school feeling of dread when faced with the possibility of sitting at home alone on a Friday night. Pre-saying Yes (it deserves to be capitalized) I would have been completely satisfied and slightly relieved to have a no-plan weekend. However, post-Yes Sheva has seen the merit in participating in life, rather than watching unfold on TV and she is terrified of falling back into her old hermit-like habits. Guess I'll just hope something comes up, and if nothing does I'll enjoy watching Dateline guilt-free :)

Have a terrific weekend y'all!!


May 19, 2011


A pic Jash shot of me on our trip to the desert last month. Think it may be my fave...

May 18, 2011

Olive Medley

I wore this to my friend Sarah's show at the Viper room. I'm loving this striped Gap shirt that seems to add a little extra edge to outfits I might otherwise pair with a solid top. The only thing I won't wear it with is a print. Call me old-fashioned but I think this whole mixing prints with stripes and other prints trend has gotten severely out of hand. I'm not hatin', just sayin'.

(Vintage sequined skirt. Gap striped shirt, Tod's boots, olive green cardi from Camden Street in London, vintage bracelets and sweater clip, self-designed necklaces)

Shout out to Sarah's band, The LookOut Kids. It was their debut show and they killed it. As a wannabe drummer I was in awe of Sarah's drum skills. Girl's got rhythm. I don't even drum that good in my embarrassingly frequent drum solo fantasies.
