I was responsible for making the fashion rationale boards to support the
2028 jewelry collections we're showing in New York this week. Basically, this involves flipping through magazines for images that support the colors we're using in our jewels. I was reminded of jr. high when I would tear apart my Teen and YM mags to make personalized collages for all my girlfriends on their birthdays. This was my favorite adolescent pastime. So cool, I know.
Anywho, we just finished up designing the first round of jewelry for Holiday 2011, so jewel tones and sparkle were the name of the game. Since our old boss retired we now get to name the collections we design ourselves. Thank the lord, because my last two red collections were named Hot Aire and Fire Down Below.
I know the hipstamatic doesn't really capture the colors but it just makes everything look so much cooler, doesn't it?
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