January 20, 2012

Ghana Be A Good One

I made it to Ghana! Sorry for the longest delay in posting in West Native history, but cut me some slack- preparing for a month long trip to Africa ain't easy. I got in last night and I've already learned two valuable lessons: don't wear pale yellow pants and don't have bangs. Both are gross my noon.  In fact, most of my wardrobe selections are questionable. We're hitting up The Accra Arts and Crafts Center tomorrow so hopefully I'll get some fresh clothes that are more appropriate for my trip. Also, Internet is spotty and I left the cord thingy that gets pictures from the camera to the computer at home- so I'm afraid I won't be posting like I used to, but I'll do the very best that I can. Hope these hold ya over- pictures of Ghana coming next. Promise. 


  1. Glad you made it there :) Have a wonderful time!
