July 19, 2011


So I haven't brought up my whole "saying yes more" mission in quite some time now, and to tell you the truth I haven't given it much thought. It's just become second nature :)

But the other day I had a nice chat with my big bro in which he praised me for how family-oriented and thoughtful I'd been lately. When he asked me what it was that made me so great as of late, I initially didn't want to acknowledge that I hadn't always been this way. But I haven't been. And it didn't take me long to realize it all started with saying yes more. Yes to hanging out with friends and family, yes to answering the phone whenever it rings, yes to remembering birthdays and anniversaries and doing more than the bare minimum in general....it's made me a better friend, daughter, sister, person. 

All my relationships have become deeper and stronger because of this simple but monumentally beneficial project. It feels so good to be reliable and dependable and present and that all makes me like myself a whole lot more. A very pleasant side-effect. I've never felt so fulfilled and supported and all-around excited about life before. So, if you haven't given it a go yet, I highly highly recommend you explore the power of Y-E-S. (I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell you something but I swear I'm not!!)

Didn't really have any photos that were relevant to this post so here are a few from my brother's recent wedding in Paris...

(yep that's my hot mama showin us how it's done on the dance floor. Isn't she the cutest??)

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