July 30, 2011

Farmer Joan

My kinda Saturday so far. Spent the morning hanging with my G-Ma followed by some garage sale hopping in my hometown hood. I probably visited about 12 yard sales- a few hits and several misses. I channeled my frustration from those misses into a short list of some garage sale annoyances I've harbored for quite some time. Here it goes:

- garage sales with ONLY leftover kid stuff. Maybe this will change once I have babies.
-overpricers. Your Land's End sweater circa 1988 is NOT worth $10. In fact, no article of clothing should be priced over $5 unless it is fabulous or rare.
-lack of inventory. Please don't have a garage sale if all you have to sell are a couple Halloween costumes and some shower curtain rings
-and of course nothing is more disappointing than following signs for 10 minutes and never finding the garage sale. This is generally a result of sellers not taking down their signs from their sale the weekend before

I sound like a total brat, I know. But I'm sure my fellow yard salers know what I'm sayin. right?? I actually have nothing to be bitter about as I found several treasures that I'll be laundering and wearing asap. Now I'm off to meet Kevin for an al fresco beer at Red Lion. Hope you all are having a splendid Saturday!!

(collared shirt, shades and boots: vintage, dress: gift from my mama, vest: altered Paris Blues embellished with various silk and fabric flowers, hat: (embarrased to tell you) Mary Kate and Ashely Olson)

July 29, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

A sweet picture I found from our Europe vacation earlier this Summer... I momentarily took over Jash's camera while in Versailles to snap this cute shot of some schoolchildren on a field trip marveling at Marie Antoinette's cottage. She had it built on the far reaches of the royal property so she could see what it was like to live as a peasant :)

Have a great weekend!!!


July 28, 2011

Come As You Are

In an ongoing effort to save more dough, Danielle and I decided to forgo a pricey dinner at a restaurant and have a sunset picnic at a park in our hometown just North of LA. I stopped at my mom's before hand and raided her closet finding this awesomely nineties floral dress. Don't think I'm gonna return this one anytime soon.

July 27, 2011

Imagine My Delight...

...when last night I attended opening night of the Ad Lib exhibit at Gagosian Gallery and unknowingly stumbled into the Andy Warhol balloon installation I featured a photo of in this post (it's the second to last image). Pretty pretty delighted. Bouncing chrome balloons around with my homies = my idea of a good time. A memorable night all around, in fact. Visually pleasing installations, free tacos from the Koji truck, bottomless Tecate, and a set by No Age and Fool's Gold (unfortunately sans their rad lady percussionist, Erica Garcia).

However, the hands-down best part of the evening was having an excuse to wear one of the ridiculous necklaces I purchased at the Gift Show over the weekend...

July 26, 2011

Love Is Like A Butterfly

What a night. As expected, the Dolly show was epic. I didn't think I could love her more, but I do. Her storytelling was as good as her song-singin. And hanging with the ladies was just wonderful. We picnicked on the grass at the Bowl beforehand on my favorite meal of all time- baguette, goat cheeses, tomatoes, red wine. Oh my. I got all Dollyed up and wore some unsexy but very country high waisted shorts and some other dolly-themed stuff to go with.

July 25, 2011

My Trash Is My Treasure

This skirt was my mom's from back in the day. Not sure if it is Iranian or Indonesian but I know its from someplace notably exotic. I almost sold it at a garage sale a couple years back but thankfully the potential buyer sensed my reluctance to let it go and urged me to keep it. Thank you, potential buyer, thank you...

(top:vintage purchased at Tavin, skirt: vintage from my mom's closet :), shoes: Steve Madden, belt: vintage, shades; vintage)
Another insanely busy weekend as a result of saying yes to just about every invitation. The highlights were Dolly at the Hollywood Bowl (obviously!! more on that in tomorrow's post), meeting the nicest and coolest people at my fly friend Jazmina's bday dinner at Speranza, buying absurdly large Indian and African jewelry for ridiculously low prices at The Gift Show Downtown, and missing most of The Los Feliz Street Fair when one beer turned into many at Public House.

Have I mentioned how much I love summer in my city? There is so much to do on any given weekend it is impossible to get bored. Now I'm off to enjoy a date-day with my man. Just me and him and whatever our hearts desire. Happy Monday and thanks for reading :))


July 22, 2011

Hello Dolly!

I've been waiting for this day for a long long time. In fact, I've had this post ready to go for months. Tonight Evelyn, Paola, Danielle and I are having the ultimate ladies night and going to see Dolly Parton at the Hollywood bowl.

I'm not a huge country music fan but ever since I was a little girl I've loved Dolly Parton. I admire her ability to poke fun at herself and not take her critics, and life in general, too seriously. She's not just any big-boobed, big-haired blonde. She is talented and insightful and refreshingly funny. Someone needs to make a Dolly Parton quote book, because the things that come out this little lady's mouth are just hilarious and often painfully astute. She is a beautiful soul and I just love her. Here are some of my favorite photos with some of my favorite quotes...

"I wanted to be the first woman to burn her bra, but it would have taken the fire department four days to put it out."

"I always just thought if you see somebody without a smile, give'em yours!" 

"Find out who you are and do it on purpose." 

"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde."

"You'll never do a whole lot unless you're brave enough to try."

"You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap!"

"Storms make trees take deeper roots." 

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

Hope y'all have a great weekend :)

July 21, 2011

These Colors Don't Run

I've been consistently wearing red, white, and, blue since our country's birthday. Must mean I'm proud to be an American. In any case, I thought incorporating some other colors might make this here number look a bit less Betsey Ross. Hence my dinosaur egg necklace...

(dress: vintage, necklace: self-designed, shoes: random cheapy store in Laguna Beach)

July 20, 2011

Colors Of The Sun

I'm not gonna lie, I didn't actually wear these heels with this outfit. I put them on for photo purposes only. I really wore the same 'ol comfy Frye heels I always wear. Sorry. I love these shoes but they are only comfortable for an hour max and only permit minimal amounts of walking and standing. Plus they make me feel like a hoochie...

July 19, 2011


So I haven't brought up my whole "saying yes more" mission in quite some time now, and to tell you the truth I haven't given it much thought. It's just become second nature :)

But the other day I had a nice chat with my big bro in which he praised me for how family-oriented and thoughtful I'd been lately. When he asked me what it was that made me so great as of late, I initially didn't want to acknowledge that I hadn't always been this way. But I haven't been. And it didn't take me long to realize it all started with saying yes more. Yes to hanging out with friends and family, yes to answering the phone whenever it rings, yes to remembering birthdays and anniversaries and doing more than the bare minimum in general....it's made me a better friend, daughter, sister, person. 

All my relationships have become deeper and stronger because of this simple but monumentally beneficial project. It feels so good to be reliable and dependable and present and that all makes me like myself a whole lot more. A very pleasant side-effect. I've never felt so fulfilled and supported and all-around excited about life before. So, if you haven't given it a go yet, I highly highly recommend you explore the power of Y-E-S. (I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell you something but I swear I'm not!!)

Didn't really have any photos that were relevant to this post so here are a few from my brother's recent wedding in Paris...

(yep that's my hot mama showin us how it's done on the dance floor. Isn't she the cutest??)