Some shots of what I've been up to lately. I love LA in the summertime- there's so much to do and everyone is motivated to do it when the sun's shining and the care-free summer vibes are flowing.
Gold-Roomin and art-gallery goin with Senorita Cristina. Didn't even notice this creeper in the background until I Instagramed this.
Santa Monica Sunset...sometimes, not often, but sometimes- I love working on the Westside.
Yoga and raw vegan cooking lessons with the amazing, inspiring, wacky Cherry at
Peace Yoga. Seriously so inspired by this experience- thinkin bout going vegan again...
And here is my (almost raw) version- kale salad, soy beef, and cabbage delight. Yum!!
Late night jam/therapy sesh with Kevin. He's the best.
New favorite dress! Birthday present from
Fabi, the most stylish woman I know.
Sunny Sunday stroll with my stylish mama and her cute pup